
A Message from our CEO about Coronavirus, Academic Instructional and Learning Infrastructure Changes

A Message from our CEO about Coronavirus, Academic Instructional and Learning Infrastructure Changes


March 21, 2020

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Texas Premier Technology Institute, Inc. is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy institution for our students, faculty and staff.

As such, we are closely monitoring the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak according to the guidelines and recommendations of DSHS, https://www.dshs.texas.gov/coronavirus/ and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html.


We advise you all to follow the public health authorities’ guidance regarding hygiene and personal travel, and we’ve reinforced existing TPTI policy encouraging students, faculty and staff who exhibit flu-like symptoms to stay home and consult with a medical professional.


As we transition towards more adaptable and supportive measures to increase our efforts in driving the success of our Students, we have implemented the following academic process, learning infrastructure and instructional changes


  • New Program weekly sprints have been implemented for all Programs.
  • All Learning GPS Plan Sheets will be owned, monitored and controlled by our Instructors, Faculty and Staff.
  • Students will be required to attend at least one 2-hour Instructor Led Online Class session per week.



We appreciate the trust that you place in our Institution. Thank you for your patience and understanding through these changes

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Lydia Macaulay by email Lydia.macaulay@tpti.us or Online via Teams.



Therelee D. Washington
CEO, Texas Premier Technology Institute, Inc.

©2020 Texas Premier Technology Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.